Challenging traditional methods
Poor response rates are a big problem that no-one is properly facing…and also a big opportunity to stand out for outstanding listening. While response rates do vary by survey medium, they’re often [...]
Customer feedback
To get the best out of your customer feedback program you need to have the right approach to customer feedback for your business. 1) What’s the true nature of your customer relationships? The most important [...]
News & events
MirrorWave was a sponsor at the recent 2018 CMO Summit on the Gold Coast, and this short summary is from the Chairperson’s closing remarks. Here are 10 key strategic outtakes that all CMOs should consider: [...]
Unlocking relationship potential
In business, feedback management has a reputation for being soft – and for good reason! Leadership teams do not apply the blow torch to their market-facing interventions often enough, to understand [...]
Unlocking relationship potential
There’s a lot of feedback getting collected in most organisations. The trouble is these feedback streams are separate and disconnected from each other. For example, the marketing team might run a customer-facing [...]
Unlocking relationship potential
In the second of our four-part series on how to profit from feedback management, we’re talking about how be more externally, or customer, focused. Most leaders want to build a more customer focused organisation. [...]
Unlocking relationship potential
It is rare that leaders hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth from their key stakeholders – customers, employees or partners. There is a serious risk of being blindsided. Listening and [...]
Challenging traditional methods
For too many companies, engagement surveys or climate surveys are a pretty meaningless annual routine that’s all about collecting metrics and going through the motions. Employees don’t believe in [...]