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White Papers




It’s harder than expected to act on feedback – most firms struggle despite best intentions and the trouble and expense that has gone into collecting it.

Failing to act disappoints those stakeholders who have gone to the effort to give you feedback and deepens their cynicism about giving feedback as they suspect nothing is going to happen. MirrorWave is a unique approach to feedback management, which offers much more than traditional ‘survey’ or feedback-gathering methods - we make it easy for you to get to action. 


Getting to Action With MirrorWave

Achieving outstanding results by making it easy to act on feedback


It is rare that leaders hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth from their key stakeholders- customers, employees and partners. There is a serious risk of being blindsided.

In this white paper we explore four challenges for leadership teams to do with listening and responding, and present ideas for how they can be addressed.


Four Ways to Profit from Listening and Responding

A white paper for Leadership Teams


NPS has real merit…and shortcomings too.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) approach has been widely adopted around the world for very good reason. Most managers tell us that this does not go far enough for them. In general, depending on where they are in the NPS journey, they share frustrations in which if addressed, could take NPS to the next level...


Do More With NPS Using MirrorWave

NPS has real merit…and shortcomings too.


Any project manager knows that significant projects are challenging beasts to manage. Complex streams of activity involving constantly changing stakeholders means the beast has multiple heads that often want to go in different directions.

It is absolutely vital to keep an easy, regular pulse on what is going on – find out how


Project MirrorWave

How MirrorWave helps manage project stakeholder relationships


There is a widespread shift to a new battlefield: the customer experience (CX). Customer executives are under pressure to create exceptional branded moments at every customer touchpoint.

CX-Plus is MirrorWave’s solution for understanding and delivering distinctive customer experiences for people you regularly interact with.


Introducing MirrorWave’s CX-Plus

Making it easy to follow and manage customer interaction histories


Despite best intentions, many parties fail to form productive and mutually beneficial partnerships because there’s very little they’re doing differently from the typical one-way supplier- receiver relationship.

MirrorWave offers a unique way of following individuals from BOTH parties in a partnership over time.


Introducing Partnership MirrorWave

MirrorWave offers a unique way of following individuals over time for BOTH parties in a partnership.


Many firms do their business through strategic accounts which span many individual interpersonal relationships.

In many respects, a strategic account is like a human-to-human ecosystem, which can only be properly managed if opinions of the individual participants, and how that changes over time, is understood, managed and mapped out to show the combined bigger picture.

A new approach is required to really understand what’s happening in the complex ecosystem of relationships that make up a strategic account.


Introducing MirrorWave for Strategic Accounts

Understanding and mapping change in Strategic Account relationship ecosystems


Designing and managing experiences is an important and widely embraced way to do better business. The practice can be applied to customers, employees or partners.

MirrorWave is specifically designed to follow individual journeys and to then aggregate them up into a managerially useful bigger picture.


Introducing Experience MirrorWave

A unique way to follow experiences.


Many managers of the human resource want to go the next step, but traditional methods offer no scope to do this.

MirrorWave is like two programmes in one - a fresh way to flush out new insights, and also a tool for engaging employees.

MirrorWave offers the opportunity to move on from traditional survey approaches. It will best suit innovative managers who see the potential in following individual relationships and experiences in order to understand what is changing in their employee base and why.


Introducing Employee MirrorWave

The unique employee feedback, engagement and action platform that ‘follows’ people