Following customer service journeys using ‘CX-Plus’
Like many widely accepted methodologies, CX-Plus pulses people after they’ve had an important interaction with you. Just 3 straight forward questions are asked, so it’s simple and easy for them.
We get right to the point by asking about the quality of the experience and in their words the positives and negatives. We don’t mess about with ethereal things like willingness to recommend, unless word of mouth really drives growth in your business. There’s also a response mechanism that makes it easy to listen and respond.
Importantly, the reality for the customers of most companies is that experiences are the sum of different interactions over time, not just one. That is a customer’s TRUE CX.
What’s the gap?
Common practice CX feedback systems (like NPS) are popular, but limited because they are not ‘joined up’. NPS treats CX as a trail of single shots interactions that are to be managed in isolation.
The ‘Plus’ part to CX-Plus
With no extra effort you can achieve distinction in your data and insights by joining experience snapshots together to tell powerful multi-interaction stories which sum up over time the true customer experiences of customers. Think of it as a unique ‘feedback memory’ which tells you what is working and why, for customers as real people.
Who is it for?
CX-Plus is for organisations where interactions with their customers is dependent on delivering to them excellent experiences, not once but time after time. You get two programs in one - informative and regular metrics plus a sophisticated customer centric experience quality management system.